March 2016
February 2016
January 2016
Who Is Killing the Towns of Western Massachusetts?
by Susan Crawford. Reprinted from BackChannel. Read the original article. It may be the governor. In the State House. With the lobbyists. This is the story of a dramatic failure of imagination and vision at the state level: Governor Charlie Baker’s apparent insistence that Massachusetts relegate small towns to second-rate, high-priced, monopoly-controlled (and unregulated) communications [...]
December 2015
CTC Report supporting WiredWest Business Model
CTC Technology & Energy (Columbia Telecommunications Corporation) is an independent communications engineering consultancy that offers a unique combination of qualifications and capabilities in broadband financial analysis, business planning, engineering, network strategic planning, and marketing automation. If you are not sure what software to use to automate your business marketing then read Marketo vs Hubspot comparison. Founded [...]
Rebuttal to the Statement by the Massachusetts Broadband Institute of December 1, 2015
MBI said: “The MBI is committed to working with you to develop a sustainable plan for governance and operation of a regional network, and therefore will be prepared to partner with towns on new pathways to successfully expand broadband service as needed.” WW replies: The only way that MBI can work and partner with the [...]