Many of your fellow residents have no effective and affordable internet option.  Satellite and cellular internet services are very expensive and have major technical limitations.  Without adequate internet access, your neighbors and the town as a whole suffer: home values and economic development are depressed, educational opportunities are limited and the town is unattractive to young families, which reduces our school age population.  Internet access is a modern utility and lack of broadband is a serious hardship, similar to the lack of electricity or telephone of 100 years ago.  Nearly all of the methods of interacting with the outside world (shopping, education, communications, entertainment, etc.) are evolving rapidly to utilize and even depend on broadband access that is already available to most people in the industrialized world.  Your support for broadband helps your neighbors who are not as lucky as you and supports the future vitality of the town as a whole. (And when there’s fiber optic available to you, we think you’ll want it as well!)

Also, most of what is currently available is Verizon DSL. Verizon is looking to exit this business, so DSL may not be around much longer.