In the first nine town meetings voting on a warrant article to authorize town borrowing to support a regional broadband network, the articles were approved overwhelmingly. In one town, even unanimously.

Cummington went first on Friday night, followed by Plainfield and then Shutesbury on Saturday, and West Stockbridge, Blandford and Windsor on Monday. Egremont and Colrain followed on Tuesday and Washington on Wednesday.

Turnout by broadband supporters was so great that the crowds couldn’t fit in the meeting rooms.  In Cummington people spilled into the hallway. In Shutesbury they packed the gym and overflow areas, even into the preschool playground. In Plainfield they had to recess the meeting and move everyone to the church across the street.

These early successes prove the strong demand for broadband and the widespread support of the WiredWest regional network model. They also demonstrate that turnout at town meetings is crucial. If we all show up to support broadband, we will be successful in securing the future of our towns.